Анонс новых публикаций преподавателей Стокгольмской Школы Экономики в России.

Fey, C.F., Mourgoulis-Yakoushev, S., Bjorkman, I., & Park, H.J. Opening the Black Box of the Relationship Between HRM Practices and Firm Performance: A Comparison of MNC Subsidiaries in the USA, Finland, and Russia Forthcoming in the Journal of International Business Studies in 2008. 

- Fey, C.F., & Furu, P. Coordination mechanisms and knowledge sharing in multinational corporations: The case of China and Finland. Forthcoming in Strategic Management Journal in 2008. 

We congratulate the authors on this outstanding performance, testifying to the high standards that SSE Russia stands for. 

For more information please contact  Anna Izmailova

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