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Еvgeny Terukov
Program Director of Corporate Programs

Eugeny Terukov became our director of corporate programs. He is responsible for development, promotion and implementation of corporate programs of the Stockholm School of Economics Russia.

Eugeny Terukov is a graduate of EMBA program of Stockholm School of 2003. He received higher education in Public Relations specialty in SPGETU and afterwards studied in the US. He also graduated from courses for improvement of qualification for lecturers of the Stockholm School of Economics. Since 2002, he has been teaching disciplines in the field of strategic and applied marketing, organizational changes, techniques of analysis and making of strategic decisions and in SSE Ring, FastTrack, CRDF and BIT programs in our school. Since 1994, Eugeny worked for large foreign and Russian companies at different times. He has a rich managerial experience. Now he co-owner and general director of consulting research company SSE RING. 

The staff of the Stockholm School of Economics, Russia wishes Eugeny success on the new interesting post!

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