Торжественная церемония выпуска первого раунда корпоративной программы для ОАО «РЖД»

In November 2008 SSE Russia launched the first round of corporate educational program for the Russian Railways (RZD) company. During the fall of 2009 35 top managers of RZD defended their Executive Master Theses projects dedicated mostly to strategy, finance and human resources management in their professional business sphere. And on October 18th the gala Graduation ceremony for the first round graduated took place in St. Petersburg.

"Today, we are present at handing of certificates out to the first graduates of the corporate educational program of RZD holding and this shows that the company has laid down a foundation for formation of a corporate university” - told the President of RZD Vladimir Yakunin opened a solemn ceremony of handing of certificates out to the first graduates of the corporate educational program of RZD.
Advisor of Stockholm School of Economics. Russia Johnny Lindstrom addressed to participants of the ceremony too, "I wish to address those who receive a certificate today. Do not forget to use the opportunities that are opened for graduates of this program. You have received a chance for communication with the people who run business in various areas of activities with which it is possible not only to discuss new ideas and creative achievements but also to find ways for solving of various problems. The alumni network will help you in planning of personal career and in development of your company."
The second round of the corporate educational program for RZD started studying on October 15 of 2009.
The candidates are selected in accordance with requirements of Stockholm School of Economics, Russia: availability of managerial experience of the candidate and leadership potential, progress of career, motivation for learning and skills of team-working. 

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