14 октября в Октябрьском центре научно-технической информации и библиотек состоялась торжественная церемония вручения сертификатов Стокгольмской Школы Экономики и корпоративных дипломов Холдинга «РЖД» и СШЭ выпускникам 2010/2011 учебного года.
Alumni Module in SSE Russia. The next alumni module took place on October 1-2 in the Terijoki hotel in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. Mats Urde, Professor of the Lund University, Sweden and Elena Sidorenko, Professor of the St. Petersburg State University were teaching during the module. Models of corporate brand management, as well as the “AntiManipulation” business training were the key topics of the module.
“The most inspiring event of the season”, “Emotional charge for a long time”, “Great to be in the class and talk to classmates” – only few of alumni comments. We will continue in February 2012.